“Ink Bud! Are all proper nouns are capitalized?” “Yes Daddy, except names of communist leaders. They’re not capitalists.” “Thanks, as a computer coder, you think I’d be smart enough to know that. A least I’m pro grammer.” “And at least your name is capitalized.” “That’s right! YOU ESSAY! YOU ESSAY!” “Okay Daddy, I can take […]
Escaped Convict
We shot a video
Bragging Rights
Letter of Recommendation Nathan Nichols was a student in my computer programming class at Lane Community College in winter term 2011. His performance was outstanding and he earned my deep respect as an intelligent, motivated student with great values and a positive attitude. Nathan not only was one of the two best students in the […]
The Pollock of Pain and Joy
This article was for ARTO 354. My work is largely inspired by creation and the intricacies of personhood in particular. Though my theological understanding is poor, I can tell that we people are complex, both wrecked by sin and full of spectacular treasures. Therefore, thoughtfully executed raw documentary portraits are fascinating to me, especially in […]
The Meaning of a Moroccan Smile
The square billowed up with smoke like a volcano, swallowing up tourists in wild frenzy. Night life in Marrakesh Square presented no other image than this. Moroccan barbecue stands lay scattered about like dice thrown from a cup. Their spicy odor rose into the night air with the steadily growing smoke. Foreign tongues filled the […]